10 Tips to Overcome Negative Thoughts: Positive Thinking Made Easy
Even though I’m a yoga teacher, I still find it’s easy to fall prey to negative thinking. Having negative thoughts play out like a movie can only bring you pain, something that I’ve experienced many...
View ArticleHow Positive Thinking Re-Wires Your Brain
The power of positive thinking. How many times have you heard that phrase thrown around? It’s so much a part of our vernacular now that it’s almost become meaningless. We’d all agree that thinking...
View ArticleHow Thinking Positive Thoughts Attracts Success
Think Positive Thoughts and attract positive things. What does it take to find real success in life? What is a positive attitude? For most people finding success is difficult. There’s one KEY that can...
View Article5 Ways to Stay Positive in a Negative World
A question I get from a lot of people who find out what I do with The Affirmation Spot is: “How can I stay positive in a negative world?” It’s a great question and, short of a few very esteemed...
View Article10 Simple Ways to Change Your Life in 2 Minutes a Day
Making a positive change in your life does not have to be about making a huge leap. But I believe that belief is one of those things that hold people back from improving their life and world. A simpler...
View ArticleThe Power of Positive Thinking
Positive thinking is a mental attitude that sees the bright side of things. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health, and favourable results. If you adopt this mental attitude, you teach your...
View ArticleSix Fundamentals of an Optimistic Life
Negative thinking can poison what – from the outside – looks like a pretty good life with opportunities. Pessimism can create ceilings and walls made out of glass where there really are none. With such...
View ArticleHow to Really Get Started with Making a Positive Change in Your Life
One big problem that I used to run into is that you simply don’t seem to be able to get started with making a change. You want to make a change but feel stuck. You don’t seem to be able to take action...
View Article40 Extraordinary Things Happening Right Now
Right now is a phenomenon. Right now extraordinary things are happening. Right now… A soldier of sorts is diligently fighting the fight so you don’t have to. Someone who suffered from a severe injury...
View ArticleHow to Create a Habit of Positive Self-Talk
Your self-talk determines how you feel. Try this exercise: say to yourself, “I am angry about the traffic on my commute.” Let yourself feel the statement. If you’re paying attention to your body, you...
View Article5 Differences Between Optimists And Pessimists
Optimism maximizes potential as pessimism squashes it. Look at these five distinguishing differences between optimists and pessimists and tell me – which one are you? 1. Optimists Believe They Are In...
View Article10 Ways to Stay Positive and Motivated During Tough Times
Your Health Should be a Top Priority | Take Care of YOU No matter what is taking place in your life, always remember the value of your health. When you let your health suffer, challenges can seem...
View ArticleThe Science of Positive Thinking: Does Happiness Come Before Success?
Positive thinking seems useful. We all want to be happy, so it makes sense that thinking positive thoughts would be a good idea. But “positive thinking” is also a soft and fluffy term. Is there any...
View ArticleHow Staying Positive Helps
It’s likely our species survived because of our knack for detecting danger. But our worry-filled thoughts can present dangers of their own: Thinking negatively can drag down our moods, our actions and...
View ArticleHow to Think Positively
What does it mean to think positively? Quite often when we’re going through a challenging time, or we’re just plain miserable, we invariably get the advice to just “think positively!” Sometimes it’s...
View ArticleWhat Is Positive Thinking?
Question: What Is Positive Thinking? “I always hear people talk about the benefits of positive thinking. What exactly is positive thinking and how can it be used to improve health and wellness?”...
View ArticleThe Power of Positive Thinking
A positive outlook on life is arguable one of the most powerful assets you can have. Positive people expect success, good health, happiness, wealth and good relationships and those things tend to show...
View ArticlePositive Thinking Exercises for a Happier You
We all love positive people don’t we? It feels good to be around them; they inspire us and motivate us with their cheerful demeanor. They help us see the good in others and the blessings in difficult...
View Article28 steps to a positive & successful life
As a reminder, I’m on a business trip (oh what fun!) until January 18th. In the meantime, I have some great guest posts to share with you… Today’s post was written by Tess, author and creator of one of...
View ArticleHow To Be Positive and Change Your Life Instantly
Have you heard about the power of positive thinking? Have you wondered if learning how to be positive is going to make any difference? Positive thinking not some woo-woo new age thinking, it is...
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